Hair Today, (We Pray Not) Gone Tomorrow: Katy’s quest for a gorgeous head of hair!

One day and stormy morning I woke up and realized my hair was more akin to straw than gorgeous brunette locks. It was a very Scarecrow vs. Dorothy type situation. Perhaps it was the fact that I have been so focused on growing out my pixie cut for the past year, that I forgot to take good care of my hair. Maybe I wasn’t drinking enough water. Maybe not enough sleep. Maybe bad shampoo? Maybe over heat styling? Maybe my hormones have change as I’ve gotten older? Maybe all of the above. Whatever the reason, I decided to make it my mission. I am on a mission for a gorgeous mane of hair!

I had it once. I had beautiful hair as a child and lots of it. But lately my hair has been dry, brittle and I have terrifying fears of losing my hair. Whenever I’m washing my hair and I just get strands and strands of hair falling onto my fingers I freak out. I know they say that shedding around 100 strands a day is normal but it still makes me really worried.

So I think this fear has motivated me, along with my partner in crime Vanessa (who has the most gorgeous head of hair you’ve ever seen, ugh it’s so wonderful), that has set me out on this unalterable quest.

I did a lot of research on causes for dry, frizzy, dull looking hair and discovered I was the culprit of many. Here are a few that I found:

1. Cheap shampoo.

2.Over washing.

3. Over drying.

4. Conditioning too heavily on the roots.

5. Not enough water.

6.Not enough protein (or vitamins in general)

7.Not enough sleep.

8. Don’t over brush and Don’t over play with your hair!

So basically, I tried everything:

Starting with a few products I use everyday!

my arsenal

One of the first things I did was I changed my shampoo. Now this was some trial and error. I tried all natural “Burt’s Bee’s” brand shampoos and conditioners but my hair didn’t seem to like it. I then migrated over to John Frieda’s Brilliant Brunette and it seems to be working well. I’m not completely certain if it’s Paraben free or contains any harsh chemicals but so far, my hair is improving so I’m going with it.

I then stopped washing it so much. Even wetting it. I bought a shower cap from Forever 21 with cute Eiffel towers on it and rock it 1 to 2 days in between shampooing. I don’t even get my hair wet at all. This took some getting used to. Also, my hair dryer and I are currently on a break.

Shower Cap

Of course, I had to also buy some dry shampoo or my hair would be ridiculously greasy on non wash days. I’m surprised at how clean and well dry shampoo really works. I don’t feel like I’m unkept at ALL. I also love the added boost of volume dry shampoo gives you. Especially since I’m growing out my bangs.

I’m still experimenting with leave in conditioners. I haven’t found one that I really truly love yet.
Lastly, what I put in my body and how I treat it. I’m trying to get better at sleep but that’s the hardest. I’m a musician and a Fleek Weeker AND working roughly 48 hours a week. Probably more like 80 if you combine those top categories (Although they never feel like work. I love the hell out of those things). But I do notice my hair looks gorgeous on the weekends and I think the 8 hours of sleep I’m getting could be the cause.

I’m also trying to drink my daily recommended dosage of WATER. H2O!!! I just downloaded this super cute app called “Plant Nanny” which involves an adorable little seedling who thrives off of the water you consume during the day! When my little plant started looking all wilted from my lack of water consumption, I gobbled up about 32 ounces like that! Whatever works right?  

 I’m taking a Women’s Daily Vitamin, with collagen. I’m not sure I’ve ever taken a vitamin with collagen before but I’m anxious to see if there are benefits!

Lastly, I’m trying to stop putting my hair in a pony tail all the time due to frustration. It straight up sucks when you feel like a part of you is lacking and I’ve decided (A. because it’s bad for my hair and B. I have better self esteem than that) to take a breathe and enjoy the process.


Hopefully in the months to come my hair will be its most gorgeous ever! Until then I’m going to saddle up with my dry shampoo, shower cap and water, and just hope for the best!